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Weekend Getaway in Ngaparou

Hi! I hope you're all doing well. It's been a long time, hasn't it?

I took a break so that I could focus on myself and my wellbeing. These past few months have been a lot and I realized that if I didn't disconnect and re-center myself, the consequences wouldn't be too good. Now that I've done that, I feel like myself again! :)

So...quick update! I'm in Senegal! I've been here for exactly a month now, and it's the best decision I made. Admittedly, I was very disoriented and overwhelmed the first few weeks I came back, but I've now found my routine and have learned to manage my time better (meaning managing work - fun - time with friends & family - and me time). It's been really nice being back home - not a day goes by where I don't feel immense amounts of gratitude.

Most of my friends in the US actually came back around the same time as me, so to celebrate(and reunite with our group of friends in Dakar), we decided to book a weekend getaway to Ngaparou.

Ngaparou is a coastal town in the Western part of Senegal, it's located about 1h30 min away from Dakar. It attracts tourists, as most people go there for quieter weekends and its stunning beachside villas and resorts. Think The Hamptons, but Senegalese version haha.

My friends and I left Dakar on a Friday afternoon after work, and stayed in Ngaparou for 3 days. We were at this beautiful villa, which was located in the middle of nowhere and completely disconnected from everything.

What made this getaway even better was that we were surrounded by nature/greenery, and all you could hear all weekend long was birds chirping, it was so peaceful.

Our weekend was filled with joy, laughter, sunshine, and tranquility. We spent those few days brunching by the pool, playing games, having dance parties, and spending quality time with each other.

This trip made me realize how important it is to live in the moment, and to practice stillness. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we often forget to take a moment to just breathe, be calm, and appreciate our surroundings and those around us. I'm glad we took this trip, we all really needed it.

Thank you for reading!

Have a good weekend xx

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