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This is 26

Updated: Jul 9, 2022

Every birthday, I like to reflect: on myself, my relationships, career, life, everything. Today is my 26th, and it's no different.

Thankful for another year around the sun, and grateful to have had the opportunity to grow one step closer to the woman I envision myself to be.

25 was interesting. The first few months of it were spent alone, which if you know me, then you know it drove me crazy. The pandemic was at its peak from April to September 2020 which meant I was stuck at home, and couldn't really spend time with my loved ones or even be outdoors like that. But with isolation and sadness, comes healing. Those initial months were tough, but I realized that they were also an opportunity for me to do the inner work to address parts that needed fixing. And I believe that the steps I took towards healing were what made it easier for the second half of 25 to go smoothly.

The final months of 25 were nothing short of amazing. Part of them were spent in Senegal, which was a complete 360 from my life in the United States. I was more in touch with my emotions, and I started to feel like myself again. I remember my first week back in Dakar (September 2020) like it was yesterday. On a Thursday that week, I was in a hot and humid car, driving down the corniche. The ocean was right next to me and we were stuck in traffic, so while we waited behind the rest of the vehicles, I just stared out at the water. Find your way back by Beyoncé was playing in my earphones and all I could do was cry. Driver probably thought I was crazy but I didn't care. I can't tell you what prompted me to cry but I can tell you that it made me feel so good after. Sometimes what we can't necessarily express with words, our tears do for us.

A few months later and I find myself back in Dakar. I'm sitting outside, surrounded by beautiful palm trees. It's a bit chilly, but I don't mind. The breeze feels nice. I feel at ease, I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I'm now 26. A year older. Alhamdoulilah.

Wow, where does the time go?

I believe in alignment and I believe that things come to you when you are ready to receive them. I think 26 will be my year of alignment. I feel ready and I'm excited to continue to grow.

Thank you for reading.

With love,


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