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The Guide for Clear Skin

Hey guys! I recently did a poll on my Instagram stories on what my next beauty post should be and most you guys voted for a guide on how to get clearer skin. Getting clearer and smoother skin is something most of us struggle with (my biggest problem to be honest); but with the right routine, care, and tips, we can definitely work on getting nicer skin. Below is a mini guide I’ve put together to help, check it out 😊!

Cleanse regularly and thoroughly The most important thing to help achieve flawless skin is to gently cleanse your skin twice a day (morning and night), and anytime after you sweat (so after a workout for example). When putting on your cleanser, make sure you clean your skin for at least one minute. I learned this trick from esthetician LA Beautyologist ( Cleansing your skin for 60 seconds will help reduce pimples, clean out your impurities, and leave your skin feeling softer and smoother. The #60SecondRule will also improve your texture and even out your skin tone. I’ve recently started doing this and trust me, it works! Also, if you want even better results, I highly recommend you double cleanse. Double cleansing is when you first use an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup (never sleep with your makeup on!), sebum, SPF, and any other impurities accumulated on your face throughout the day. You should oil-cleanse before using your regular cleanser. Use clay or charcoal masks Another way to help clear your skin is to use clay or charcoal mask 2-3 times a week, especially if you have oily or acne-prone skin. Clay masks are an effective way to get rid of things that are underneath the first layer of your skin, as they penetrate deeper. When you first use a clay or charcoal mask, it tends to purge your skin, so you may notice more breakouts. That’s normal though, after about 3 or 4 uses of the mask, you’ll notice your skin getting significantly clearer.

Stop using facial scrubs, witch hazel, and coconut oil

The biggest misconception is that products such as facial scrubs (that St. Ives one especially), witch hazel toners, and coconut oil will help your skin. They don’t! They may make your skin nicer now, but in the long run, they are extremely bad for you. Facial scrubs used to exfoliate are really harsh on the skin. They cause micro-tears in your skin. This in turn weakens and irritates your skin’s barrier, makes it dryer, more sensitive, and more prone to redness. Instead of scrubs, you should use chemical exfoliants on your skin. They’re safer, more effective, and won’t damage your barrier. Chemical exfoliants will penetrate your skin and help remove the dead skin you have, improve your pores, and deeply hydrate. They also help kill the bacteria that causes pimples so if you have acne, chemical exfoliants will help. Remember to always exfoliate after you wash your face. Witch hazel is a popular product that most people use as a toner. However, like facial scrubs, witch hazel isn’t good for you. Witch hazel contains alcohol and it dries out the skin, so in the long run, your skin is only going to end up irritated and overproduce oil. Even if you don’t see it on your skin directly, the product is irritating your skin below the main surface. Opt for toners that don’t contain alcohol instead. Coconut oil is quite a high comedogenic product, which means it will block and suffocate your pores. This oil will also aggravate your acne, so my advice is to stay away from it. Instead of coconut oil, try using other oils which won’t clog your pores such as rosehip or baobab oil. Get facials Another way to get unblemished skin is to get regular facials (about once a month). Estheticians can offer consultations and give you customized facials, dedicated to your skin needs. Over time, your skin will clear up and feel so much smoother. Plus, it’s relaxing 😉. Go to a dermatologist One of the best ways, and probably the most effective to achieve flawless skin is to go see a dermatologist. Sometimes we try products for a long time and we don’t see results. Dermatologists are basically skin doctors, so after observing your face, they’ll know exactly what you need. They can prescribe medical creams and oral treatments to help your skin, and these usually take a few weeks to start showing results. Get your hormones checked Like I said before, sometimes we just don’t see results, despite regular use of products that swear they work. Well, if that’s the case, it could maybe be a hormonal issue. If you feel that it is, you can go to your doctor and ask to have your hormones checked, and make sure there’s no hormonal imbalances in your body. Lifestyle changes Apart from the tips mentioned above, there are also some lifestyle changes you can make to help your skin from the inside.

Eat healthy

What you eat will show on your skin. If you eat junk food, foods high in sugar or sodium, then you’ll most likely have more breakouts. To reduce breakouts and have clearer skin, cut out all junk food, eat fruits and vegetables, limit your meat intake, and try to cut out dairy and sugary foods and drinks. You’ll notice a significant difference after just a few days.

Drink water

I know we’ve heard this one a thousand times haha. Drinking water won’t reduce your pimples or black heads. But, it will keep your skin hydrated and give you a glow. Water also flushes out the toxins in your body, so this will help your skin. Aim to drink 2-3 liters of water daily.

Change pillowcases every 2-3 days and wear a bonnet when in bed

Our pillowcases accumulate everything on our faces. Sleeping on the same pillowcase for an extended period dirties your skin. To help reduce pimples, especially those on your cheeks and jawline, you should change your pillowcase every 2-3 days.

Also. to help keep oils in your head from transferring onto your forehead and the rest of your skin, you should wear a satin bonnet when you’re in bed.

I hope this guide was useful. If you have any questions, you can DM me on Instagram (@pendasarr) or email me at !

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