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Pretty in Pink

They say that the color pink is associated with femininity, kindness, and calmness. Funny enough, those 3 things have been the theme these past few weeks.

I've been tapping into my feminine energy, learning how to be still, and practicing kindness, and the outcome has been great - I feel way more balanced and confident in who I am.

And since clothes are a way for me to express myself, I've been gravitating more towards the color pink, because it represents how I feel these days.

Pink is light and airy, just like this monochromatic outfit I put together - pants, a crop top, and a paisley blouse that I kept unbuttoned.

The blouse is my favorite part of this look, it's chic and versatile - I've worn it a lot throughout the summer and it's definitely staying in my closet!

Thank you for reading!



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