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Updated: Jul 9, 2022

Ngor is the commune d'arrondisement in Dakar that I grew up in. It's a place where I have fond memories and continue to fall in love with every time I visit. It's also home to my favorite island in Sénégal, Ile de Ngor.

Ile de Ngor is tiny, you can tour the island in less than an hour. To get there, you take a pirogue or private boat from the Ngor beach - it's about a 5 minute ride. Once you're there, you'll immediately notice the beautiful surroundings and eclectic energy : the colorful homes, the locals selling art, and the many restaurant owners asking you to come have a cocktail or try their yummy fresh fish.

The reason why I love Ngor is because of the peace it brings me. Whenever I'm on the island, my spirit feels settled. Dakar tends to get hectic, it's a relatively fast-paced city. Ngor is a great getaway from that. Everyone there is relaxed, easy-going, and life feels slow.

There's a little corner on the island that I've discovered and it's now where I go when I need to reflect and journal. It's a part of Ngor that visitors don't tour because it's really just a small beach with palm trees around it.

Speaking of reflecting, I've been doing a lot of that since I came back from Sénégal. I think it's good to regularly analyze what works in your life, and what needs addressing/change. One of the things I realized is that I need to slow down, and take time for me. Rest and recovery has been something that I've started to place a lot of importance on, and it's definitely had some positive effects.

Ok, now let's talk about this gorgeous two piece set from Tongoro Studio! It's so light and comfortable, and gives that airy and easygoing feel, which is why I thought it'd be perfect to wear to Ile de Ngor. I actually have another set with just a different pattern. If you're been a reader for a while, you'll remember it ;) (

I also wore the set to a corner store because I thought it could be a nice contrast between the colorful items and the white.

Also, remind me to one day write a blogpost on Dakar and our boutiques because they're extremely convenient and you can literally find everything there.

We finished off the shoot on another part of the island that I love, it gives you a stunning view of the ocean as well as of the city of Dakar.

Thank you for reading! See you soon <3



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